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050-305-05-41 (Дзвінки Viber)  Ще контакти

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1 клас - Англійська мова

Завдання до вправ:
Listen - послухай
Answer - дай відповідь
Listen and answer - послухай та дай відповідь
Listen and say - послухай та скажи
Ask and answer - запитай та дай відповідь
Song - пісня
Listen and repeat - послухай та повтори
Speak to each other - поговоріть один з одним
Rhyme - вірш
Point and say - вкажи та скажи
Look and say - подивись та скажи
Look and listen - подивись та послухай
Tell each other - розкажіть одне одному
Listen, point and say - послухай, вкажи та скажи
Match and say - поєднай та скажи
Look, ask and answer - подивись, запитай та дай відповідь
Point and name - вкажи та назви
Make your Family Tree - зроби родинне дерево
Guessing game - гра: відгадай
Draw your pet and tell about it - намалюй свою улюблену тваринку та розкажи про неї
Meet the ABC friend - познайомся з другом з алфавіту
Make your animal and tell about it - зроби свою тварину та розкажи по неї
Name the letters and tell about their friends – назвіть букви та розкажіть про їх друзів
Listen and read - послухай та почитай
Listen and do - послухай та зроби
Role game - рольова гра
Draw your room and tell about it - намалюй свою кімнату та розкажи про неї
Tell about your favourite toy - розкажи по свою улюблену іграшку
Lets review! Давайте повторимо!


Урок 1
1. Hello! Привіт!
I am Bill. Я Біл.
I am Ann. Я Ен.
My name is Jane. Мене звуть Джейн.
Bye-bye! Прощавай!
Goodbye! До побачення!

Урок 2
What is your name? Як тебе звуть?
My name is-  Мене звуть

Lou Лу, Sue С,
Harry Гаі, Mary Меі,
Nick Нік, Vic Вік,
Ted Тед

Урок 3
1. Good morning, Teddy! 
Доброго ранку, Теді!
Nice to meet you! Приємно тебе побачити!
2. Hi! Привіт!

Урок 4
1. How are you? Як почуваєшся?
I am fine. Я прекасно себе почуваю.

Розділ 1. Моя родина
Урок 1
1. Meet my family – познайомтесь з моєю родиною.
Meet - зустрічати, знайомитись
My - мій, моя, моє, мої
Family – родина

Father — батько
Sister — сестра
Mother — мама
Brother — брат
2. Meet my brother, my
sister, my mother, my father,
and my brother.
Урок 2
1. This is — Це…
Grandmother — бабуся
Grandfather — дідусь
Baby — немовля
Pa — татко
Ma — матуся
Урок 3
1. This is Jim — Це Джим.
He — він (про хлопчика, чоловіка)
She — вона (про дівчинку, жінку)
Girl — дівчинка
Boy — хлопчик
He is a boy. — Він хлопчик.
She is a girl — Вона дівчинка.
2. This is Vic. She is a girl.
This is Harry. He is a boy.
This is Mary. She is a girl.
This is Nick. He is a boy.
This is Bill. He is a boy.
This is Ann. She is a girl.
This is Kate. She is a girl.
This is Tom. He is a boy.
3. He is my brother. He is my father.

She is my sister. She is my mother.
4. your — твій, ваш
Love — любити
Uncle — дядько
Granny — бабуся
Dear — дорога
Дідусь та бабуся.
Мій татко та твій татко.
Моя мама та твоя мама.
Моя сестра та твій брат.
Я люблю мого татка Бена.
Я люблю мого дядька Дена.
Я люблю мою бабусю Емілі.
Я люблю мою дорогу родину!
Урок 4
1. friend — друг
Познайомтесь з Білом. Він мій друг.
Познайомтесь з Ен. Вона моя подруга.
2. Meet Jim. He is my friend.
Meet Jane. She is my friend.
Meet Lou. He is my friend.
Meet Sue. She is my friend.
Урок 5
1. Це Джім? — Так.
Це Ен? — Так.
Це Біл? — Так.
Це Джейн? — Так.
2. Is this Ann? — Yes, she is.
Is this Bill? — Yes, he is.
Is this Jane? — Yes, she is.
3. Is this Lou? — Yes, she is.
Is this Ted? — Yes, he is.

Is this Sue? — Yes, she is.
Урок 6
1. Це твоя мама? — Ні. Це
моя бабуся.
Це твій брат? — Ні, це мій
2. Is this your sister? — Yes,
she is.
Is this your mother? —
No, she is not. This is my
Is this your brother? — Yes,
he is.
Is this your father? —
No, he is not. He is my
Урок 7
1. How is… — Як почуває
He is fine. — Він почуває
себе дуже добре.
She is fine. — Вона почуває
себе дуже добре.
Thank you. — Дякую.
2. How is your grandfather?
— He is fine. Thank you.
How is your grandmother?
— She is fine. Thank you.
How is your brother? — He
is fine. Thank you.
How is your sister? — She is
fine. Thank you.
3. How is your father? — He
is fine. Thank you.
How is your mother? — She
is fine. Thank you.
Урок 8
Давайте повторимо!
1. Meet my family.

This is Ben. He is my father.
This is Ann. She is my
Meet my family.
This is Nick. He is my
grandfather. This is Mary.
She is my grandmother.
Meet my family.
This is Kate. She is my sister.
This is Ted.
He is my brother.
Розділ 2
Мої улюблені домашні тваринки
Урок 1
1. White — білий
Black — чорний
Yellow — жовтий
Green — зелений
Grey — сірий
2. Dog — пес
Parrot — папуга
Rabbit — кролик
Cat — кіт
Fish — риба
It is a dog. — Це песик.
It is black. — Він чорний.
3. It is a rabbit. It is black.
It is a dog. It is white.
It is a parrot. It is yellow.
It is a cat. It is grey.
It is a fish. It is green.
Урок 2
1. Brown — коричневий
Blue — синій, блакитний
Turtle — черепаха
Hamster — хом’як
2. I have got — Я маю

(У мене є)
I have got a pet. — У мене є домашня тваринка.
3. It is a pet. It is a cat. It is
white and grey.
It is a pet. It is a dog. It is
black and white.
It is a pet. It is a parrot. It
is green.
It is a pet. It is a turtle. It is
It is a pet. It is a fish. It is
green and grey.
It is a pet. It is a hamster. It
is brown and grey.
4. I have got a pet. It is a cat.
It is brown.
I have got a pet. It is a dog.
It is brown.
Урок 3
1. Brown, grey, yellow, black,
Blue, white, green.
2. She has got — Вона має
(У неї є)
He has got — Він має
(У нього є)
3. Jane has got a cat. It is
white and grey.
Jim has got a dog. It is
Grandmother has got a
rabbit. It is white.
Grandfather has got a rabbit.
It is black and white.
Урок 4
1. Cow — корова
Pig — порося
Horse — кінь
Chick — курча

Duck — качка
Turkey — індик
Hen — курка
Goose — гуска
Rooster — півень
Orange — помаранчевий
My granny has got a cow. It is
brown. She has got a rooster.
It is orange and black.
She has got a duck. It is
brown, grey and white.
She has got a hen. It is
My grandfather has got a
horse. It is brown. He has got
a pig. It is pink and grey.
He has got a goose. It is
brown and grey.
He has got a turkey. It is
black and white.
Урок 5
1. Orange — помаранчевий
Pink — рожевий
Red — червоний
Sheep — вівця
Donkey — осел
Goat — коза, цап
I love — Я люблю
3. I have got a goat. It is
brown. I love my goat.
I have got pig. It is pink.
I love my pig.
I have got a rooster. It is red.
I love my rooster.
I have got a horse. It is white.
I love my horse.
Урок 6
1. Brown, grey, red, white,
Black, yellow, green, orange, pink.
2. This is Bill. He has got a
hamster. It is brown.
This is Jim. He has got a
parrot. It is green.
This is Ann. She has got a
turtle. It is brown.
This is Jane. She has got a
fish. It is blue and black.
This is Grandmother. She has
got a cow. It is brown.
This is Grandfather. He has
got a rabbit. It is black and
3. How is your friend Bill? —
He is fine.
How is your friend Ann? —
She is fine.
My Grandfather has got a
pet. It is a pig. — Wow!
My friend has got a pet. It is
a cat. — Wow!
My friend has got a pet. It is
a parrot. — Wow!
Розділ 3. Тварини
Урок 1
1. Ant — мураха
Can — могти, вміти
Run — бігати
It is an ant — Це мураха.
It can run. — Вона вміє бі-
2. Hedgehog — їжак
Fox — лисиця
Wolf — вовк
Mouse — миша
3. Letter — буква. Це буква
А. А має друга. Це мураха

Урок 2
1. Zebra — зебра
Tiger — тигр
Lion — лев
Giraffe — жираф
Elephant — слон
Bear — ведмідь
Walk — ходити, гуляти
1. I have got a bear. It can
2. I have got a giraffe. It can
3. I have got an elephant. It
can run.
4. I have got a lion. It can
5. I have got a zebra. It can
6. I have got a tiger. It can
3. Це буква В. В має друга.
Це ведмідь Біл.
Урок 3
1. Kangaroo — кенгуру
Hare — заєць
Frog — жаба
Jump — стрибати
Hop — підстрибувати
2. Can a tiger run? (Чи вміє
тигр бігати?) — Yes , it can.
(Так, вміє.)
Can an elephant walk? —
Yes, it can.
Can a wolf run? — Yes, it
Can a hare hop? — Yes, it
Can a fox jump? — Yes, it
Урок 4
1. I can swim — Я вмію плавати

I cannot jump — Я не вмію
Swim — плавати.
2. Crocodile — крокодил.
Rhino — носоріг
Hippo — гіпопотам
Dolphin — дельфін
4. But — але
Stop — зупинятись
I can jump but cannot stop.
— Я можу стрибати, але не
можу зупинитись.
Урок 5
1. Squirrel — білка
Bee — бджола
Monkey — мавпа
Fly — літати
Climb — лазити
2. I have got a bird. It can
4. Look! I have got a cat. It is
white and black. It can climb.
It cannot fly.
Look! I have got a cow. It is
brown. It can walk. It cannot
Look! I have got a lion. It is
orange. It can run. It cannot
Look! I have got a crocodile.
It is green. It can swim. It
cannot fly.
Урок 6
1. Zoo — зоопарк
Go — йти, ходити
See — бачити
I can go to the Zoo. —
Я можу піти до зоопарку.
I can see a lion in the

Zoo. — Я можу побачити
у зоопарку лева.
I can see a tiger in the Zoo.
I can see a zebra in the Zoo.
I can see a giraffe in the
I can see a monkey in the
I can see a rhino in the Zoo.
I can see a hippo in the Zoo.
I can see a dolphin in the
I can see a crocodile in the
2. 1. Is it a horse? — Yes, it
is. It is a horse.
2. Is it a tiger? — Yes, it is.
It is a tiger.
3. Is it a dolphin? — Yes, it
is. It is a dolphin.
4. Is it a rhino? — Yes, it is.
It is a rhino.
5. Is it a monkey? — Yes, it
is. It is a monkey.
6. Is it a lion? — Yes, it is.
It is a lion.
7. Is it an elephant ? — Yes,
it is. It is an elephant.
8. Is it a giraffe? — Yes, it
is. It is a giraffe.
9. Is it a hippo? — Yes, it is.
It is a hippo.
10. Is it a crocodile ? — Yes,
it is. It is a crocodile.
Урок 7
2. It can swim. It is green.
(It is a crocodile.)
It is grey. It can run. It
can walk. It cannot climb.
It cannot fly. (It is an
It can run. It can walk. It
is orange and black. (It is a
3. 1. I can see an ant.
2. I can see a bear.
3. I can see a cat.
4. I can see an elephant.
5. I can see a dog.
6. I can see a frog.
4. Aa — an ant
Bb — a bear
Cc — a cat
Dd — a dog —
Ee — an elephant
Ff — A fox
Розділ 4. Іграшки
Урок 1
1. This is a…. — Це є …
Toy — іграшка
Teddy — bear — іграшковий
Doll — лялька
Ball — м’яч
Doll’s house — ляльковий
2. 1. Look! This is my ball.
2. Look! This is my doll’s
Look! This is my teddy-bear.
Урок 2
1 . Is it a …? — Це є …?
1. Is it a box? — Yes, it is.
2. Is it a kite? — Yes, it is.
3. Is it a balloon? — Yes, it
4. Is it a drum? — Yes, it
5. Is it a bell? — Yes, it is.
6. Is it a clock? — Yes, it is.
Box — коробка, скриня

Kite — повітряний змій
Balloon — повітряна кулька
Drum — барабан
Bell — дзвоник
Clock — годинник
Урок 3
1. What — що
What is this? — Що це?
Car — автомобіль
Plane — літак
Boat — човен
Bike — велосипед
Train — потяг
2. 1. What is this? — It is
a car.
2. What is this? — It is a
3. What is this? — It is a
4. What is this? — It is a
5. What is this? — It is a
6. Iguana — ігуана
Урок 4
1. Play — грати (ся)
Stand — стояти
Eat — їсти
Sit — сидіти
Sleep — спати
2. Look! My doll can sit.
Look! My teddy-bear can
4. Jaguar — ягуар
Урок 5
1. Gg — goose
Ii — iguana
Jj — jaguar
Hh — horse
1. 1. What is this? — It is
a ball.
2. What is this? — It is a
3. What is this? — It is a
4. What is this? — It is a
5. What is this? — It is a
6. What is this? — It is a
7. What is this? — It is a
8. What is this? — It is a
9. What is this? — It is a
10. What is this? — It is a
11. What is this? — It is a
12. What is this? — It is a
13. What is this? — It is a
14. What is this? — It is a
doll’s house.
Розділ 5. Свята
1. 1 — one, 2 — two, 3 —
three, 4 — four, 5 — five,
6 — six, 7 — seven.
2. How old are you? — Скільки
тобі років?
I am (6) — Мені (6) років.
4. Birthday — день народження
Today — сьогодні
Happy birthday! — З днем

Урок 2
1. Present — подарунок.
I have got a present. —
У мене є подарунок.
3. Cuckoo — зозуля
Pam is six. — Пем —
6 років.
So is Mike. — Майку — також.
Урок 4
2. Сount — рахувати
Can you count? — Ти можеш
1 hen, 5 chicks, 6 dogs,
2 pigs, 3 cows, 4 cats,
8 ducks, 6 geese
3. Funny — кумедний, big —
Чи ти вмієш рахувати?
Я бачу велику руду курку.
Чи ти вмієш рахувати?
Дивись! У мене є 3 кумедні
Я бачу 3 коричневі ко рови.
Я бачу одну маленьку мишку.
Ти бачиш 10 коричневих
Так. Вони грають з зайцями.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 м’ячів…
7, 8, 9, 10 маленьких ляльок!
4. nice — гарна (е, ий)
Урок 5
1. Merry Christmas! — Веселого
Christmas Tree — різдвяне
дерево (ялинка)
2. I can see five red balls,
seven yellow cars, eight nice
dolls, ten brown birds, nine
orange cats, three blue bells,
five red planes.
3. Owl — сова
4. Wish — бажати
We wish you a Merry
Christmas and а Happy New
Year! — Ми бажаємо вам веселого
Різдва та щасливого
Нового року!
Урок 6
1. Santa Claus — Санта Клаус
2. Нappy — веселий, щасливий
Our — наш (а, і, е)
We — ми
Come — приходити
Ми — щасливі,
Прийдіть та подивіться.
Подивіться на нашу ялинку!
Подивіться на Санта Клауса

Іграшкового ведмедика.
Веселого Різдва!
Щасливого Нового року!
Урок 7
1. I can see eight teddybears.
3. I can swim. I can run.
I can jump.


Розділ 6. Моє тіло
Урок 1
1. Face — обличчя
Nose — ніс
Eye — око
Ear — вухо
Mouth — рот
2. Pretty — гарна (е, ий, і)
3. I have got two eyes. I have
got one mouth.
4. Touch — доторкнутись
Урок 2
1. My teddy-bear has got two
My teddy-bear has got two
My teddy-bear has got a nose.
My teddy-bear has got a
My teddy-bear has got a face.
1. This is my doll. It has got
two ears, two eyes, a nose,
a mouth, a face.
This is my teddy-bear. It
has got two ears, two eyes,
a nose, a mouth, a face.
4. Queen — королева
Урок 3
1. Body — тіло
Head — голова
Neck — шия
Arm — рука (від кисті до
Hand — рука (кисть)
Leg — нога (від стегна до
2. Hug — обіймати
3. Toe — палець (на нозі)
Poem — вірш
Урок 4
1. Tail — хвіст
Long — довгий (а, е, і,)
Short — короткий (а,е, і)
2. It is a long tail.
It is a short tail. It is a long
3. Big — великий (а, е, і)
Small — малий (а, е, і)
4. It is red. It is small. It
has got a long tail, small
ears and eyes and four legs.
(It is a fox.)
It is brown. It is big. It has
got four legs, a small head,
small ears and eyes. It hasn’t
got a tail. (It is a bear.)
It is black and brown. It
has got a small red head, a
big tail, two small ears and
eyes and two small legs.
(It is a turkey.)
It is white and grey. It is
small. It has two long ears,
small eyes and a short tail.
(It is a hare.)
It is brown, grey and white. It
is small. It has a small head,
two small eyes, a short tail and
two small legs. (It is a duck.)
It is brown and yellow. It
is big. It has a long neck,
a long tail and four big legs.
(It is a giraffe.)
5. Snake — змія
Урок 5
1. Твоя улюблена тваринка
велика? — Так.
У неї є хвіст? — Так. Її
хвіст довгий.

Its — його, її (про тварину
чи неістоту)
2. Is your pet big? — No, it
is not.
Has it got a tail? — No, it
has not.
Is your pet big? — No, it is
Has it got a tail? — Yes, it
Урок 6
1. Blond — русявий, світлий
Dark — темний
Hair — волосся
This — цей, ця, ці
2. like — любити, подобатись
3. Meet Nina. She is my
friend. Look! She has got
blond hair. She has got a
small nose, a small mouth,
brown eyes and small eyes.
I like Nina.
4. Keep — зберігати, підтримувати
Furry — хутряний
Darling — улюблений, милий
Shine — світити
Bright — яскравий
Kiss — цілувати
Warm — теплий
Мій ведмедик зігріває мене
у ліжку,
Мені подобаються його хутрян
і пальчики,
Я люблю його милу маленьку
Його красивий маленький
Мені подобаються його два
чорних маленьких ока,
Що світять мені так яскраво!
Мені подобаються його руки
та маленький носик,
Який цілує мене перед сном
«На добраніч».
Урок 7
1. 1. Teddy has got a face.
2. Teddy has got a mouth.
3. Teddy has got two hands.
4. Teddy has got two legs.
5. Teddy has got two ears.
6. Teddy has got two eyes.
7. Teddy has got a nose.
1. 1. This is a girl. She has got
blond hair, a small nose, two
nice blue eyes and a pretty
mouth. I like this girl.
2. This is a boy. He has
got dark hair, brown eyes,
a small nose and small ears.
I like this boy.
3. This is a girl. She has got
dark hair, a long nose, two
nice brown eyes and a pretty
mouth. I like this girl.
4. This is a girl. She has
got blond hair, a small nose,
two small eyes and a small
mouth. I like this girl.
5. This is a boy. He has got
brown hair, brown eyes,
a long nose and a long mouth.
I like this boy.
Розділ 7. Моя школа
Урок 1
1. Вag — портфель
Book — книга
Exercise-book — зошит
Pencil-box — пенал
Pen — ручка

Pencil — олівець
2. Number 1. This is a pen.
Number 2. This is a book.
Number 3. This is a box.
Number 4. This is a pencil.
Number 5. This is a ball.
Number 6. This is an
Number 7 This is a clock.
Number 8. This is a bag.
Number 9. This is a pencilbox.
3. The bag is yellow. The box
is yellow. The pencil-box is
The book is blue. The ball is
blue. The pen is blue.
The pencil is green. The clock
is green. The exercise-book
is green.
4. uncle — дядько
Урок 2
1. Ruler — лінійка
Pencil-sharpener — стругачка
для олівців
Felt-pen — фломастер
Rubber — резинка
2. This — цей, ця, ці (про
предмет, що знаходиться
That — той, та, те, ті (про
предмет, що знаходиться
2. Оn — на
In — в
Back — спина
Knee — коліно
Join — приєднатись
Please — будь ласка
Cool — прохолодний (тут —
School — школа
Мій портфель — на спині.
Моя ручка — в руці.
Моя книга — на колінах.
Заходьте та приєднуйтесь
до мене, будь ласка!
Мій пенал — рожевий.
Мій зошит — зелений.
Моя стругачка — чудова.
Вони в мене є всі в школі!
Урок 3
1. What is this? — Що це?
What is that? — Що то?
What is this? — This is a desk.
What is that? — That is a
2. Number 1. What is that? —
That is a bag.
Number 2. What is this? —
This is a rubber.
Number 3. What is that? —
That is a book.
Number 4. What is this? —
This is an exercise — book.
Number 5. What is this? —
This is a ruler.
Number 6. What is that? —
That is a pencil.
Урок 5
1. Is — є (3-я особа однини
— він, вона, воно)
Are — є (ми, ви, вони)
It — він, вона, воно (тварина,
They — вони
2. Children — діти
Schoolboy — школяр
Schoolgirl — школярка
3. Classroom — класна кімната
Mate — товариш, приятель
Teacher — вчитель

Blackboard — дошка
Chair — стілець
Everywhere — всюди
4. Yak — як
Урок 6
1. Map — мапа
Picture — малюнок, картина
Look at the map. — Подив
іться на мапу.
2. It is Pam’s bag. — Це —
портфель Пем.
This is Tom’s ruler. — Це —
лінійка Тома.
3. Look at the pink pencilbox.
Is it Ann’s pencil-box?
Yes, it is.
Look at the small green
Is it Tom’s rubber?
Yes, it is.
Look at the big brown bag.
Is it Bill’s bag?
Yes, it is.
Look at the long blue pen.
Is it Jim’s pen?
Yes, it is.
Look at the big red book?
Is it Jane’s book?
Yes, it is.
4. Now let’s say the rhyme
again! — А зараз давайте
розкажемо віршик знову!
Desk — парта
More — більше
3. zebra — зебра
Урок 7
1. Good morning! — Доброго
Schooltime — Час занять.
Sit down! — Сідайте.
Take the pen, please. Візьми
ручку, будь ласка.
Put — покласти
Give — давати
Your — твій, ваш (а, е, і)
Stand up! — Встаньте!
2. Thank you. — Дякую.
You are welcome! — Ласкаво
Урок 8
1. Here you are — Ось. Візьми.
I am sorry. I cannot. — Шкода
(вибач). Я не можу.
Ask Jim. — Попроси Джима.
2. Give me the ruler, please.
Here you are.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Give me the pencil, please.
Here you are.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Give me the pen, please.
Here you are.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Give me the book, please.
Here you are.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Give me the pencil sharpener,
Here you are.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
3. Refrain — приспів
Magic — чарівний
Helper — помічник
Repeat — повторювати
Together — разом
Word — слово
Don’t forget — не забудь
Dear — дорогий
Can I have a book? — Чи
можу я взяти книгу?
They are magic helpers —
Вони — чарівні помічники
Which help us every day —
Які допомагають нам кожного
Repeat these words together
— Повторіть ці слова разом
Урок 9
3. Has Pam got a bag? —
Yes, she has.
Is it red? — No, it is not. It
is blue.
Has Pam got a book? — Yes,
she has.
Is it red? — Yes, it is.
Has Pam got a ruler? — Yes,
she has.
Is it orange? — Yes, it is.
Has Pam got a pencil-box? —
No, she has not.
Has Pam got a pen? — Yes,
she has.
Is it blue? — No, it is not. It
is green.
Урок 10
1. Who — хто
Look at number 3. — What
is this? — This is a map.
Look at number 4. — What is
this? — This is a black board.
Look at number 5. — What is
this? — This is an exercisebook.
Look at number 6. — What
is this? — This is a ruler.
Look at number 7. — What
is this? — This is a rubber.
Look at number 8. — Who is
this? — This is a school girl.
Look at number 9. — What
is this? — This is a bag.
Look at number 10 — Who is
this? — This is a school boy.
Розділ 8. Моя кімната
Урок 1
1. Sofa — диван
Light — світлий
room — кімната
clean — чистий
lamp — лампа
table — стіл
toy-box — коробка для іграшок
shelf — поличка
bed — ліжко
2. 1. This is Jim’s bed.
2. This is Jim’s toy box.
3. This is Jim’s shelf.
4. This is Jim’s table.
5 This is Jim’s chair.
6 This is Jim’s lamp.
Урок 2
1. Whose — чий (я, є, ї)
Whose bed is this? — Чиє
це ліжко?
2. Number 1. Whose room is
this? — This is Tom’s room.
Number 2. Whose room is
this? — This is Bill’s room.

Number 3. Whose room is
this? — This is Jim’s room.
Number 4. Whose room is
this? — This is Ted’s room.
Number 1. Whose room is
this? — This is Tom’s room.
3. Very — дуже
Ceiling — стеля
Wall — стіна
Урок 3
1. Near — біля, коло
On — на
In — в
Under — під
Bookshelf — книжкова поличка
Door — двері
Floor — підлога
2. The lamp is on the table. It
is number 1.
The bed is near the window.
It is number 2.
The box is on the floor. It is
number 3.
He chair is near the door. It
is number 4.
The table is under the shelf.
It is number 5.
The cat is on the bed. It is
number 6.
The doll is in the toy-box. It
is number 7.
The chair is near the wall. It
is number 8.
The book is in the bookcase.
It is number 10.
Урок 4
1. Where — де
Where is the cat? — Де кіт?
It is under the sofa. — Він —
під диваном.
TV set — телевізор
Armchair — крісло
Computer — комп’ютер
2. Cut — різати, вирізати
Draw — малювати
b) Where is the ball? —
It is near the bed.
It is on the sofa.
It is on the table.
Урок 5
1. What — що
What is on the table? — Що
знаходиться на столі?
Plant — рослина, квітка
Window — вікно
Here — тут
2. What’s on the floor? —
The table is.
What’s near the window? —
The table is.
What’s near the door? — The
sofa is.
What’s under the bed? — The
car is.
What’s on the shelf? — The
teddy-bear is.
Урок 6
2. It is a big fun! — Це дуже
Урок 7
2. Where is the toy-box in
your room? — It is under the
Where is the lamp in your
room? — It is on the ceiling.
Where is the sofa in your
room? — It is near the wall.
Where is the computer in
your room? — It is on the
Where is the table in your
room? — It is near the wall.
Where is the chair in your
room? — It is near the
What’s on the table? — My
computer is.
What’s on the chair? — My
bag is.
Where is the bed in your
room? — It is near the wall.
Розділ 9. Давайте
Урок 1
1. Dance — танцювати
Sing — співати
Play games — грати в ігри
Paint — малювати фарбами
Ride a bike — кататись на
Race a car — влаштовувати
перегони на автомобілі
Fly a kite — запускати
повітряного змія
2. 1. Can you paint? — Yes,
I can.
2. Can you play the violin? —
No, I cannot.
3. Can you play chess? — No,
I cannot.
4. Can you ride a bike? —
Yes, I can.
5. Can you fly a kite? — No,
I cannot.
Play chess — грати в шахи
Play the violin — грати на
Урок 2
1. Like — подобатись, любити
I like bikes. — Мені подобаються
Football — футбол
With — з
2. What about you? —
А ти?
I am sorry. — Вибач(те).
3. I can read books. I like
books. What about you?
I am sorry. I cannot read. I
can race a car. I like cars.
Урок 3
1. Do you like it? — Тобі він
(вона, воно) подобається?
Yes, I do. — Так. (подоба
No, I don’t. — Ні. (Не подоба
Nice — гарний
2. 1. Do you like the drum? —
Yes, I do.
2. Do you like the bike? —
Yes, I do.
3. Do you like the ball? —
Yes, I do.
4. Do you like the car? —
Yes, I do.
5. Do you like the picture? —
Yes, I do.
6. Do you like the plane? —
Yes, I do.
7. Do you like the train? —
Yes, I do.
Урок 4
1. Watch a TV — set — дивитись
Role — skate — кататись на
Play computer games — грати
в комп’ютерні ігри

Play with (my teddy — bear)
— грати з (ведмедиком)
I like to dance. — Я люблю
Урок 5
1. I don’t like to … — Мені не
подобається (Я не люблю)
2. Do you like…? — Тобі
(вам) подобається?
4. Mum — мама
Dad — татко
Урок 6
1. Let us play! — Давай(те)
OK. With pleasure. — Гаразд.
Із задоволенням.
2. 1. Let us race a car!
OK. With pleasure!
2. Let us fly a kite!
OK. With pleasure!
3. Let us play with the dolls!
OK. With pleasure!
4. Let us draw!
OK. With pleasure!
5. Let us ride a bike!
OK. With pleasure!
6. Let us sing!
OK. With pleasure!
Урок 7
1. Many — багато
Favorite — улюблений
My favorite toy is… — Моя
улюблена іграшка — …
Toy-animal — іграшкова
2. 1. My favorite toy is a
2. My favorite toy is a ball.
3. My favorite toy is a
4. My favorite toy is a
5. My favorite toy is a train.
6. My favorite toy is a bike.
3. My favorite toy is a car. It
is small and yellow. I like to
race a car.
My favorite toy is a bike. It
is nice. I like to ride a bike.
My favorite toy is a ball. It is
red, orange and pink. I like
to play with my ball.
2. My Teddy is driving the
car. — Мій Теді їде на автомоб
Урок 8
1. 1. I like to race a car.
2. I like to play with a doll.
3. I like to play computer
4. I like to play with a ball.
5. I like to fly a kite.
6. I like to ride a bike.
7. I like to watch TV.
8. I like to sing.
9. I like to role-skate.
10. I like to draw.
3. Let us read! — OK.
Let us race a car! — OK.
With pleasure!
Let us fly a kite! — OK. With
Let us play with the dolls! —
OK. With pleasure!
Let us draw! — OK. With
Let us ride a bike! — OK.
With pleasure!
Let us sing! — OK. With

Read 10463 times Last modified on Четвер, 18 вересня 2014 00:10
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